Together, we can

Empower a Child's Future with Just a Cup of Coffee

Our Impact

We’ve worked on improving the lives of over 700 young people through direct practice.

Our journey at Makanda School is made up of countless small but inspiring stories. Each new book, every lighted classroom, and every playful hour in the playground is a testament to the power of your contribution. Explore our Stories of Impact and see how your donations bring joy, learning, and growth to our school

About Makanda

Nestled two hours south of Lusaka, in the heart of Zambia, lies Makanda School, a beacon of hope and determination for over 700 pupils. Despite lacking access to power, we strive to impart quality education and instill the courage to dream. Join us on this journey of resilience and help us turn our dreams into reality

Our needs:

Our students and staff face unique challenges due to our lack of access to power. Yet, we remain committed to our mission of education. Here are some ways you can help us thrive:

School materials

For the price of a cup of coffee you can buy schoolmaterials for one of the pupils for the whole year.

Well paid teachers

If you do a reoccuring donation to the school we can ensure that the children will always have happy and well paid teachers

Expansion of the school

You can buy several packages of materials for the school, in return your name (or that of your company) will be engraved on the school.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
0 +
0 km2
of community
$ 0 k
Funds Raised
Our Partners