Our School, Our Journey

The Old school

300 pupils in the past

Welcome to Makanda School, a place where challenges inspire us and dreams guide us.

Once housed in a humble structure without a roof, Makanda School has blossomed into a beacon of learning, thanks to the generous support of Munali Coffee. On rainy days in the past, our classrooms would empty as the torrent made teaching and learning impossible. Those days are behind us now. Today, our school stands proud with a sturdy, weather-proof building, providing over 700 pupils a safe and conducive learning environment, come rain or shine.

The new building

700 pupils today, and growing

Our new building, complete with blackboards and seats, is a symbol of the strides we’ve made and our ambition to go even further. It’s a testament to the power of a community coming together for the shared dream of educating its children.

Yet, our journey doesn’t end here. Despite the strides we’ve made, we still face significant challenges. Our school lacks access to power, limiting our ability to use technological tools that can further enrich our education. Our playground is barren, devoid of the equipment that can foster our students’ physical development and joy. Our teachers, despite their unwavering dedication, lack a proper lounge – a place to rest, prepare and collaborate.

The biggest desire of our teachers is to introduce computers to our classrooms. Our teachers believe, as we do, that access to digital learning can revolutionize our lessons, broadening our students’ horizons and equipping them with the skills needed for the future. But first we need access to power.

Together, we have turned a building without a roof into a school that houses 700 pupils and counting. Together, we can overcome the challenges that remain. Your support can help us bring power to our school, joy to our playground, comfort to our teachers, and computers to our classrooms.

Join us as we continue our journey towards a brighter future. Every step we take, we take together. For the children of Makanda, for the dreams yet to be realized, and for the hope that education brings.

Our Sponsors